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Cuerpo académico

Roberto Urrutia Pérez

Profesor Guía | Integrante Comité de Postgrado
Biólogo, Universidad de Concepción, Chile
Doctor en Ciencias Ambientales, Universidad de Concepción, 1993, Chile.

Línea de investigación del programa
Sistemas acuáticos

Su interés esta centrado en Contaminación Acuática; Limnologia and paleolimnologia; Cambio Climático; Diatomeas como proxies ambientales y Ecotoxicologia Acuática.

  • Passive samplers as a tool for the analysis of persistent organic pollutants and other emerging contaminants in different ecosystems FONDECYT Regular 2014 2014-2016 Coinvestigador
  • Developing a quantitative high-resolution temperature reconstruction for the last thousand years in South Central Chile using a calibration-in-time approach. (FONDECYT Regular, 2012-2014, InvestigadorResponsable)
  • Environmental changes in Chilean Patagonia caused by historical fires generated during the 20th Century settlement: evaluating lacustrine ecosystems resilience. (FONDECYT Regular, 2012-2014, Coinvestigador)
  • Persistent Organic Pollutants and emerging Contaminants in fish farms: Understanding the environmental fate and the potential effects. (FONDECYT Regular, 2011-2013, Coinvestigador)
  • Influences of Riverine organic matter and nutrients on the coastal ocean food web and biogeochemistry: Implications under a climate change scenario in Central Chile. (FONDECYT Regular, 2009-2012, Coinvestigador)
  • Figueroa, F. A., Abdala-Díaz, R., Hernández, V., Pedreros, P., Aranda, M., Cabrera-Pardo, J. R., … & Urrutia, R.; 2020; Invasive diatom Didymospheniageminata as a source of polysaccharides with antioxidant and immunomodulatory effects on macrophage cell lines.; Journal Of AppliedPhycology; Publicado; 0921-8971; 2,828
  • Kempf, P., Moernaut, J., Van Daele, M., Pino, M., Urrutia, R., & De Batist, M.; 2020; Paleotsunami record of the past 4300 years in the complex coastal lake system of Lake Cucao, Chiloé Island, South Central Chile.; Sedimentary Geology; Publicado; 0037-0738; 3,236
  • Ascencio, E, Mendoza-Carbajal, L, Baylón, M, Rivera, P, Krakhmalnyi, A F., Cruces, F, & Urrutia, R.; 2020; Reporte de peridiniopsisborgeilemmermann (Dinophyceae) en aguas continentales de Perú; Gayana Botánica; Publicado; 0016-5301 0.5
  • Pedreros, P., Guevara-Mora, M., Stehr, A., Araneda, A., & Urrutia, R.; 2020; Response of macroinvertebrate communities to thermal regime in small mediterranean streams (Southern South America): implications of global warming; Limnologica; Publicado; 0075-9511; 2,126
  • Romero, J. E., Ramírez, V., Alam, M. A., Bustillos, J., Guevara, A., Urrutia, R., … &Criollo, E.; 2019; Pyroclastic deposits and eruptive heterogeneity of volcánAntuco (37° s; Southern Andes) during the mid to late holocene (< 7.2 ka); Journal of Volcanology Aand Geothermal Research; Publicado; 0377-0273; 2,950
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